Livre d'or

Canzone di Maggio

Francesco Sinibaldi | 01/05/2024

The branch towards the sun...

Francesco Sinibaldi

El sonido del amor. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 21/04/2024

En el canto de
la noche brilla la
luz del amor infinito
y en esta magia
cada cosa adquiere
un aspecto distinto,
con un tierno sonido
que dona el candor.
Pero esta mágica luz
es fuente de extremo
sufrimiento, como
la noche que viene
para morir donando
a la estrella el miedo

Francesco Sinibaldi

El sonido del amor.

Francesco Sinibaldi | 11/04/2024

En el canto de
la noche brilla la
luz del amor infinito
y en esta magia
cada cosa adquiere
un aspecto distinto,
con un tierno sonido
que dona el candor.

Francesco Sinibaldi

The enigma of the future. ( last version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 06/04/2024

Apparently shimmers
the light of the
future, with a feeling
of calm that comes
in the hearts for
bringing happiness;
but it's only appearance
because this dream
is not real for me
and even the night
discovers this dream
for giving the pleasure
of a wonderful time.
But often, behind
the cold darkness that
lives in the night,
a glimmer outshines
saving the fears
that lie without hope.
So, dear prudence,
if you call me I'm
always in love and
this dear appearance,
for me, is only the
pleasure that dies in
the night.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Canzone di aprile

Francesco Sinibaldi | 01/04/2024

Propongo, come canzone di aprile, una
melodia del cantautore italiano Marco
Armani intitolata “ Tu dimmi un cuore
ce l'hai “, che viene preferita a “ Ghiacciai “,
a “ Specchio “, a “ Candeline “ e a
“ Non è così “.
Invio a Marco Armani un ringraziamento
di cuore per avermi accompagnato con
le sue canzoni in alcune vicende significative
della mia giovinezza.

Francesco Sinibaldi

The enigma of the future. ( third version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 21/03/2024

Apparently shimmers
the light of the
future, with a feeling
of calm that comes
in the hearts for
bringing happiness;
but it's only appearance
because this dream
is not real for me
and even the night
discovers this dream
for giving the pleasure
of a wonderful time.
But often, behind
the cold darkness that
lives in the night,
a glimmer outshines
saving the fears
that lie without hope.

Francesco Sinibaldi

The enigma of the future. ( other version )

Francesco Sinibaldi | 11/03/2024

Apparently shimmers
the light of the
future, with a feeling
of calm that comes
in the hearts for
bringing happiness;
but it's only appearance
because this dream
is not real for me
and even the night
discovers this dream
for giving the pleasure
of a wonderful time.

Francesco Sinibaldi

The enigma of the future.

Francesco Sinibaldi | 07/03/2024

Apparently shimmers
the light of the
future, with a feeling
of calm that comes
in the hearts for
bringing happiness.

Francesco Sinibaldi

Canzone di Marzo

Francesco Sinibaldi | 01/03/2024

But this way is not my little dream...

Francesco Sinibaldi

Plaisir d'amour.

Francesco Sinibaldi | 27/02/2024

Quand une sorte de plaisir, quelque chose de
magique qui donne aux sourires la lumière
d'un instant fugitif, revient dans la chambre
pour chanter la joie je retrouve, près de ton cœur,
une image éternelle; et alors, comme la pluie
qui descend en mouillant les haies, une larme
délicate coule sur ma joue et un tendre oiseau
abandonne sa maison pour fuir dans le souffle
du ciel infini: un plaisir d'amour pour moi, pour
toi, et pour toutes les personnes qui cherchent
dans le noir la lumière de l'espoir.

Francesco Sinibaldi

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